Dedications & Baptisms

  • We believe in the sacraments of water baptism by immersion for all who are born again as in the example shown by our Lord Jesus Christ – Matthew 3:13-17. Baptism shall be by immersion and no infant shall be baptised.  Undergoing of the “New Creation Believers’ Course” will be an advantage for appropriate knowledge. Immersion Baptism shall be a prerequisite for all those Born Again  into Church leadership.  Thereafter, the candidates for Baptism should be encouraged to seek indoctrination where necessary for Church Membership/partners and with necessary training in the local Church after baptism.
  • We do also believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence or manifestation by the speaking forth in other tongues as in the Holy Writ – Acts 2:1-4; Acts 10:44-48; Acts 19:1-7; Mark 16:17b etc.
  • However, we do not believe in infant baptism but do present and dedicate them to God until they come to knowledge of salvation as in the Holy writ – Luke 2:1-52. Parents wishing to dedicate/present their children may be required to give a week notice to the local Pastoral Ministerial Council of the locality.  Both parents shall be present and are members or either of them. However, conducting minister shall consider circumstances where deem necessary for the otherwise cases.
