Children Life

The Kids’ – Children Life (K-C-L) is of the Redemption Life Children Ministry (RLCM); and it occupies a versatile position in the heart of the Church Life to revitalise and rejuvenate the kids in their Kindergarten and early Childhood age. The Kids Life are more or else seen as the ministerial church God’s Heritage, the Lamb’s Club of Redemption Life Children Ministry. Jesus said, feed – tend – my lambs, as well as you feedtend the sheep (John 21:15-17/Proverbs 27:23-27).

The functions and responsibilities of the Redemption Life Children Ministry are but not limited:

1. To pray always for the spiritual growth and well-being of the children.

2. To show genuine love, care and concern for the children and to cater for their welfare.

3. To lead the children to Christ and to minister to their spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and relational needs.

4. To teach the children the truth and to show them good examples by living an exemplary Christian life.

5. To develop and equip the children unto spiritual maturity through effective counselling, teachings and visitation.

6. To help the children to discover and develop their God-given talents and gifts and to provide opportunities for the children to utilize their gifts and talents.

7. To pray always for the growth and unity of the Church and for the President/General Overseer of the Ministry and his leadership team.

8. To work hand in hand with other team ministries for the purpose of achieving Church growth and kingdom expansion and to carry out any duties that may be assigned to the ministry group from time to time by the Ministry leadership.
