About US

REDEMPTION LIFE INTERNATIONAL CHURCH acclaimed as The City of God, Oasis and  Citadel of REDEMPTION, is the Church-based installation of CEFMORSI MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL. A Church where Christ is serve as the king and worship as personal Lord and Saviour.  It is a family of God’s precious, redeemed, lively, glorious and triumphant people like you.

A Church that is BIG enough to receive and contain you; LARGE enough to serve you; ENDOWED and ENDUED enough to Minister and Enrich your total well-being and SMALL enough to know you more intimately in all her meetings.

A Church where God’s word is preach, taught and proclaimed unadulterated through sound instruction on the Word of God, and strong demonstration by the Spirit of God, resulting life transformations, destiny mouldings and dignity restorations and kingdom faith establishments and readily awaiting the Lord’s return.  A Church for any race, colour and class etc.  (Rev. 5:9-10).  The Church objectives are these:

1. Worship Celebration: To raise a Spirit-filled and word-based people that will offer a true quality worship unto God in celebration of their Redemption (Ps. 95:1-7), 100:1-5, Jn. 4:23-24, Rev. 5:9-14, Acts 1:14, 2:42).

2. Teach, Preach, Pray & Impact: To feed God’s precious and redeemed people with sound instruction in the word of God and strong demonstration by the Spirit of God to a knowledgeable, understandable and practicable lifestyle. These biblical principles are achieved through a systematic and expository in-depth scriptural searching’s (Acts 20:28, Prov. 27:23, Romans 1:11, Prov. 25:2)

3. Communion (Fellowship): To promote and propel love, unity and peace through caring, sharing, giving and visitation. An act of of diversified fellowships with one another as one great Redeemed Family of God (Acts 2:41-47, Ps. 133, Eph. 4:1-6, Heb. 10:23-25).

4. Evangelism/Mission: To mobilize God’s precious redeemed people with a burning desire for the lost through an aggressive and reconciling strategies for both personal and mass soul-winning Evangelism and Mission outreaches (Matt. 28:19-20, 24:14; Mark 16:15-20; Luke 14:23).

5. Discipleship (Stewardship): To raise an orderly, decently and disciplined people with the Heart of Service in maturing the Body of Christ and for leadership services. This is made possible by the Spirit inspired Word instructions through teaching, training and transformation. (Luke 2:46, Acts 4:4, 6:4, 2:44).

6. Social Welfare: To minister to the dear social need of our environment through our welfare strategies: Hospital, prison, Orphanage and needy ministry etc. (James 2:14-17, Acts 4:32-35, Luke 14:21-23).


These are fellowships within the Church organisational arms.  They are meant to provide avenues and opportunities for God’s worshippers in fellowship to serve their God and one another in achieving specific goals through collective (team) effort.  These fellowships are:

1. Men’s Life (The Faithful Men Fellowship) –(Prov. 20:6)

2. Women’s Life (The Excellent Women Fellowship) – (Prov. 31:29)

3. Youth Life (The Awesome Youth Fellowship) – (Lam. 3:27/Joel 2:28/Prov. 20:29)

4. Couples Life (The Married Couples Fellowship) – (Heb. 13:4)

5. Nest KOINONIA (Home Church Fellowship) – (Psalm 84:1-4; Acts 2:46).

6. The BIBF Life (The Brethren In Business Fellowship) – Prov. 22:29

7. Kids Life (God’s Heritage Lamb Club) – Ps. 8:2/Jn. 21:15

8. Minister’s Communion (The Leadership Ministers Fellowship) – Titus 1:5/Prov. 27:17-19

9. . . . And many others as found in the website and our God will cause us to have to meet the various need in the Church


These are units within the Church set ups, and they are functional and purely designed to enhance individuals in discovering and using their God given talents and spiritual gifts for the service of God and His people.  For God rewards excellent SERVICE rendered in His Name.  An individual is expected to join actively and functionally at least one of these Departments in the church.

1. High-Praise Music Ministers/Sanctuary Choir  Department

2. Prayer Tower Department

3. Evangelism/Mission Department

4. Ushering/Greeters Department

5. Follow-up & Visitation & Counsellors’ Department

6. Protocol/Information Department

7. God’s Heritage Bible Club Department

8. Christian Marriage Counsellor’s Department

9. Technical Department

10. Publication/Publicity Department

11. Sanctuary Beautifiers/Decorators Department

13. Security Department

14. Church Growth Schools Department

15. Welfare/Hospitality Department

16. Ministers’ Waiters Department


The Church Growth Schools is an intended avenue of raising a peculiar people of God.  A school wherein the Holy Spirit through the functional Born Again, Spirit-filled, inspired and Word transformed instructors on the sure and sound word of God, TEACHES and TRAINS to TRANSFORM people to a practicable life style.

1. New Creation Believers’ Course (NCBC) – This is a foundational school designed for all new converts and young believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church, also for candidates for Water Immersion Baptism.  It is a must for all those in this category, for it provides them an opportunity to the principal basics and fundamental teachings of Christ on how to live a glorious and triumphant Christian life. It is a place where individual faith in Christ and His Church is establish. It is a non-certificate regular school while Baptismal Certificate is given to candidate Baptised by Water Immersion.

2. Discipleship Course (DC): Designed to offer basic ministerial foundation to those who have a burning desire to render SERVICE to the Lord.  It is purely designed to suit the Ministerial Church Workers.  A must for all intending workers in the Church and ministry.  It is a non certificate but regular school.

3. Leadership Course (LC): This school is designed in a Seminar Teaching  Format and comes up as when mostly needed for an upgrade or for vision transmission and development.  It’s purely for those in leadership role in the ministry by the virtue of the grace of God.  Certificates of merit may be awarded.

4. Sunday Scripture Search &  Study: These are studies being utilise to build up members in the Sunday Worship Services and Home Church Fellowship Mission Centres. They are design to meet the growth stages and maturity of the Church. These are regular schools also.


A Pastoral FAITH Surgery, Counselling, grace-filling Prayers, Deliverance and divers ministrations are readily available in the Church meeting services and Outreach hours to offer you both special and specific attention and answers to issue that requires personal or family resolution.
