Ministerial Groups

The Church Ministerial Groups are the various arms of the church where people of similar gifts and talents work together as a ministry team to achieve a common goal of kingdom growth and expansion. The church ministries provide a good platform for committed members to discover and develop their God-given talents and potentials. It provides opportunity for people to utilize their gifts and release their potentials for maximum productivity. It is compulsory for every member of Redemtion Life International Church to join at least one of these ministry groups and participate actively. The ministry groups are:

• Redemption Life Children Ministry
• Evangelism Ministry
• Intercessory PrayerBand Ministry
• Media & Publication Ministry
• Creative Arts & Culture Ministry
• Protocol & Logistics Ministry
• Sanctuary Decorators & Beautification Ministry
• Technical (Sound & Equipment) Ministry
• Ushering Ministry
• Hospitality & Welfare Ministry
